Best Student Loan Refinancing in 2024. Select Your School to Get Started!

Last updated February 7th, 2025

College Ave Highlights

  • 0.25% interest rate reduction when you make required payments by automatic debit2
  • Borrow up to 100% of your cost of attendance (minimum $1,000)1

Sallie Mae Highlights

  • Lowest rates shown include Auto Debit discount.1
  • Choose from multiple repayment options, including no payments while in school.1
  • Ability to make payments while in school.

Discover Highlights

  • Get a 0.25% interest rate reduction while enrolled in automatic payments1

Earnest Highlights

  • Flexible repayment options
  • Covers up to 100% of the school’s certified cost of attendance
  • No fees for origination, disbursement, prepayment, or late payment
  • Fast application and decision-making process

Union Federal Highlights

  • Available to international students applying with an eligible cosigner who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien
  • Past Due Balance option is now extended to 12 months8
  • 0.25% interest rate reduction for customers who elect auto pay6
  • Multiple repayment terms and repayment options to choose from7

Custom Choice Highlights

  • Multiple repayment terms and repayment options to choose from7
  • 0.25% interest rate reduction for customers who elect auto pay5
  • Prequalify in minutes4
  • For a limited time get 0.50% interest rate reduction on new loans3

What Are the Benefits of Refinancing?


Single Billing

Refinancing all (or several) of your original loans into one new loan will enable you to end up with one monthly payment to one entity. Dealing with one loan servicer is likely to be easier than dealing with several each month.


Co-signer Release

You may be able to refinance co-signed private student loans. If the new refinance loan doesn’t require a co-signer, then the co-signer is released from their obligation when the original loan is converted into the new one. Note, however, that sometimes a co-signer on a student loan refinance loan might make you eligible for a better rate.


Lower Interest Rate

A key goal for those who refinance their student loans is to end up with an interest rate on the new loan that is lower than the weighted average interest rate of their original loans.

Commonly Asked Questions

  • Do I have to refinance all of my original student loans?

  • What’s the difference between student loan consolidation and student loan refinancing?

  • How hard is it to qualify to refinance student loans?

  • How long does it take to refinance my student loans?

  • Should I choose a fixed or variable rate loan?

  • Are there any other factors I should consider (besides interest rate) when selecting a lender for refinancing my student loans?